This was sent to us from a LEF member who watched the fraud in LEF in close quarters:
In a nice city a senior evangelist wanted to buy a land to build a center. Ok, that is a reasonable desire and nobody should have a problem with that. Raising money was not a problem as he had high connections. The only thing that was needed was “due diligence” – diligence to carefully spend God’s money that thousands of people have given sacrificing. This evangelist was so secretive that he refused to discuss anything about the selection of the land. He unanimously decided that about 20,000 square feet is required. Sadly such large piece of land was not available in the area they were looking at as one piece of property. In came a gentleman, let us call him Mr. Moonshine Fraud. He told the senior evangelist “Father Xavier Daniel, I will help you. I will give you 14 individual plots in a residential layout of 1200 square feet each (40x30 feet). You buy them in the names of 14 different individuals’ names as these plots cannot be sold to a society/ fellowship.  After purchase let all 14 individuals write to the government that they will donate the plots to LEF, which can amalgamated (join all into one large plot) and build a large building in the center”.
A friend warned Father Xavier Daniel, “You can’t stich a suit from 14 pieces of cloth, buy a single large individual plot.” But now Mr. Moonshine Fraud, who is a super deluxe salesman (who always opened a Fanta bottle as soon as he saw Father Xavier Daniel) talked and talked and sold his idea to Father Xavier Daniel. Both Father Xavier Daniel and Mrs. Father Xavier Daniel liked him very much.
The problem with the above approach was that government rules are so strict that amalgamations will not be allowed. Change in land use from residential to commercial/religious will not be allowed due to zoning regulations. Even a junior most lawyer would have told him. But who cares to do due diligence in LEF? LEF money is so cheap and who cares if it is plundered and misused? The land was purchased in 14 individuals names from funds provided by LEF (this is against all trust rules, why should the LEF buy in another’s name, it must buy in its own name represented by the President). Registration was also done for 14 plots.

After the registration was done, Father Xavier Daniel went to inspect the land. He saw the properties and asked-“Mr. Moonshine Fraud, what is this? A road is running through the 14 plots how to join, It is the first time I am seeing the plots”, Mr. Moonshine Fraud smiled and said, “Sir it is to your advantage, we can tunnel under the road, or build over it (both are impossible) or do both.” Then father Xavier Daniel asked, “What is the large depression in the ground?” This was a large drainage channel, where no plot can be sold. Mr. Moonshine Fraud smiled and said, “Sir, it is to your double advantage, you need not dig a foundation, you can save the money.” Mr. Moonshine Fraud smiled like a Cheshire cat and got the money as his commission and sale proceeds. At the end of all this Mr. Moonshine Fraud grinned and opened another bottle of Fanta and drank from it and took leave. 
As I know it LEF spent Rs.4,00,00,000 (4 crores) in 1990’s. With the inflation in India, this amount can be as high as 200 crores (multiply by 50 to get todays value). What came to light after this is even more disturbing. In the layout Mr. Moonshine Fraud had sold more plots than were physically present, and so Father Xavier Daniel’s plots were now not on the ground but above it! So now the plots became 8 with a road dividing the plots and a large irrigation channel. It would have made too much sense for Father Xavier Daniel to check the survey numbers or ask one of his an associate to check the survey numbers. Again, who cares? LEF money is cheap.
As opposed to 14 owners, we now have only 8 owners. All 8 wrote a letter to the government and informed that they are ready to donate the land to LEF. Nothing worked. Mr. Moonshine Fraud told Father Xavier Daniel “The rotten minister who is so strict has indeed written the numbers in his table and is waiting for you to meet him with more money.” At this juncture as the place was an important water source for the Army, they also put a wire fence around the plots and put 2 jawans to guard (so it was a litigated property) which Mr. Moonshine Fraud had sold.
When all of this came to the notice of the then LEF boss, the great leader said (honestly true), “Put a large cement cross in the property to show the power of the cross in this land matter”. The army sentries removed the cross and put it in depot and the cross still lying there. So, can we conclude that LEF also has made a mockery of the cross to cover their fraudulent activities?
At this point, in came one more Mr. Crocodile Fraud, who was wearing a white cricket uniform. He said, “I play in the cricket. The son of one Lalooji, who is the Union defense minister also is in the same the team. When I am not playing in the state Ranji trophy team… I do a lot of pro bono work. I have an access to the Union defense minister through the son and I can help you clear the land” Now, we all know that a union defense minister will not agree to selling the defense property to build a church. But do we have any intelligent people in LEF who can using this reasoning?
As the news goes Mr. Crocodile Fraud wangled a flight ticket to New Delhi and hotel stay at LEF expense. Then the Crocodile Fraud told “I know of one Joint Secretary of Defense.” (in New Delhi, there may be 1500 officers at the rank of Joint secretary). All that the Crocodile Fraud told were later found out to be lies… The land was lost along with the 4 crores that was spent on this.Then the LEF auditors raised a hue and cry, saying money was paid but no land was received. Again another dishonorable standard practice in LEF was used to silence the auditors. The auditors were chucked out… and new auditors were hurriedly appointed
Eventually some of the plots that were were sold, and the money was returned (of course when the plots were sold the land value appreciated and again the frauds made considerable amount of money because they returned the original sale amount to LEF and pocketed the difference) After this the evangelist’s family went to Israel for a pilgrimage. They were so large hearted that they even took the father of the of the son-in-law  (who a wag told me paid 1 rupee for the pilgrimages as he didn’t want to go free!). There are stories that some plots are still unsold, those of who want can contact…

If any ordinary evangelist had done this, he would have been hanged from the nearest lamp post.
All is well that ends well or juts ends. Implications to real people are incidental as always when fraudulent activities are done in the name of God and religion.

This is written so that people know what kind of fraud goes behind buying properties and how many innocent people can get wrongly pulled into this mess (remember 14 individuals and their family who were pulled into this). All that appears green in LEF is not green. A lot of “red blood” was shed to make the LEF landscapes appear “lush green.”

Disclaimer: We used pseudo names for obvious reasons

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